We came together today with the intention of making a video for our yoga students, but it turned out doing our own self-practice and we just let the camera roll.
Practising yoga helps us realize the circle of birth and death.
You start your practise and as you move through your postures, you experience different feelings, emotions and obstacles within the body, mind and breath.
this reminds you of situations in your own real life. Not everything is always going smooth. It’s always important to realize that you start from a beginners point and try to stay in a beginners mind. To push creates suffering, be kind to yourself and allow the practice to nourish your body and mind.
It’s about authenticity, fun and enjoyment with yourself within your own body.Teachers are also practioners, just getting on their mat with themselves as they are, injuries, suffering and other difficulties, facing up to them and working with them rather than pushing them away and striving for a ‘perfect pose’…….the perfect pose does not exist, every pose you do in every moment of your practice is already perfect, you aknowledge and accept yourself as you are in each given moment and with this attitude of humbleness, respect and a beginners mind our practive develops. It becomes an internal practice, creating peace, tranquility and balance for yourself from deep within. Be authentic.
Joanne and me want to come regularly together to practice and share our experience and practice with you. Feel free to join in our practice with us or take any of the postures you see as an inspiration for your own practice.
Always beginning from a beginners mind. Every day is a new start in your practice and your life. Representation of the cycle of birth and death. Every day we are ‘reborn’ we have another chance and opportunity to live for another day. Every time we step on the mat for our practice we also have this opportunity.
#stayhome and self-practice
Joanne & Astrid