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Writer's pictureAstrid

Kundalini Yoga, Commitment to the Soul Journey

In 2020 I started Kundalini Yoga with Stephanie Dicke, who has since become a very good friend of mine. One day I discovered Satya Singh's book at home - Kundalini Yoga as a Soul Journey, a practical book on the psychosomatics of the spine - and was blown away. A journey through all my vertebras, connected to my chakras was waiting for me.

"Kundalini connects consciousness with creative power - and our back with all its 26 vertebrae is the gauge of how we feel," says Satya Singh.

Instead of the Kundalini energy rising rapidly, it rises slowly; patiently dwelling in each vertebra for 40 days, savoring its themes, working through old patterns, traumas and dissolving pain points.

Even the longest journey begins with a step to leave the old path, to leave the familiar behind and embark on a new journey. Sometimes such beginnings happen unconsciously or casually, but with such important decisions as the soul journey, this usually happens during a crisis, as it did for me. For me, it was clear that I would begin my soul journey on the first anniversary of my father's death on 1 January 2021.

According to Satya Singh, a crisis is a period of transformation in which great developments are possible. "Through a crisis, your ego, which is normally opposed to anything beyond a "normal " selfish lifestyle, is weakened and a state of perplexity arises. " The universe does not like emptiness." If you manage to persevere, this emptiness in your life will be filled again and every human being will get the chance to meet a teacher.

On January 2nd 2021 I embarked on my soul journey for the following 1040 days

Vertebrae one is assigned to the root chakra: This is where my Kundalini begins.

It is connected to my pelvic floor, which closes off the pelvis from below and also supports the building organs, as well as my anal sphincter, which is part of the pelvic floor.

It all started with Kundalini Rebirthing Meditation, which does not primarily try to heal birth traumas, but to experience a kind of birth at my current stage of life and to make a new beginning.

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio

Wahe is a statement of awe and ecstasy. Guru is the one who brings us from darkness to light. Wahe Guru is an expression of complete ecstatic awe of the Divine. Wahe Jio – Great Beyond Description is the experience of God Blessing the Soul.

This is a mantra of ecstasy. Wahe Guru is said to not only be the experience of the divine but also impart the experience of the divine. Jio is said to impart an affectionate relationship with the divine. This mantra is also used to dissolve anger. When your tongue hits your upper palate, it will stimulate meridian points that impact the thalamus. You will calm down. The sacred power of the words will alter your emotional state.

For the next 40 days I repeated every day the Kriyas of Satya Singh and the following affirmation: "I am well grounded. I feel safe." During these days I was alone in the Swiss Alps almost all the time, walking through the snow almost every day, listening within, observing, going through all emotions - from joy to sadness.




The first 40 days were not easy, firstly to have a steady practice - and secondly to internalise what I had experienced. The death of my father had left a hole, which was finally filled by itself. An inner strength grew within me. I felt more secure and began to take responsibility for myself, but kept the playful, curious, innocent inner "child". I felt that I was gradually finding grounding within me.

When my Tantra teacher training started at the end of January, it weaved itself seamlessly into my transformation. It was like a new birth, a new beginning, and yet not. I experienced that I already carry Tantra within me. .

Be curious what happens on my further soul journey...


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