21. - 22. 01. 2023 : Ákalla Sannleikann
We invite you to INVOKE TRUTH - a transformational and empowering Wild Love Journey and a Shamanic Initiation, surrounded by the powerful lifeforce energies of the Icelandic winter wonderland, held on January 21- 22, 2023 near Reykjavik. This is a 28 hour celebration with three sacred shamanic rituals for nurturing our body, soul, and mind; for celebrating our innocent, wild, loving, erotic human connection; for connecting to our inner truth and the power to manifest our life purpose; and for expanding our capacity to experience intimacy and pleasure - on both the personal, transpersonal and tribal levels. Dates: January 21-22, 2023 (see time details below) Facilitators: Alexander Trigoub (Israel) and Astrid Hübner (Switzerland) Location: Sólsetrið / Skrauthólar, Iceland ◈ What to Expect: Three fully guided deep shamanic rituals with long breaks in between for rest, nourishment and integration - see details below Free choice to come to one, two or all three Breath, sound and movement as the foundation for shamanic transformation Healing, freedom and de-armouring for all chakras - from base to crown Empowerment through emotional expression, heart and eros Discover the sacredness and beauty of each and every human body Explore strong tribal bonding through our human-animal wild erotic innocence Expand your bodily freedom through breathwork and vocal expression Meet your inner dragon and embody its unlimited power Discover the pleasure of dark, dense, juicy and kinky sides of love and intimacy Come, come, whoever you are! Everything may happen - yet nothing has to happen! Everyone and everything is welcome! We will keep details for the tribal wild love temple, power embodied and dark love puja a mystery but you can be assured there is something for everyone, in whatever mood you are on the date and event itself. Some nuggets: Opening & Closing - Connection - Intimacy - Heart Activation - Sensuality and Sexual Energy - Tribal Chakra & Eros Activation - Sacred Body Primal Exploration - Desire Expression - Cacao Ceremony - Free Flow Temple Space - Breathwork - Viking Voice - Dragon Power Activation - Dark Love Mysteries - Pain-Pleasure Practice and Power-Play - Sharing Circles - Sauna This will be a nudity-friendly space. The sauna will be available post temple experience on January 21,2023.
Umbuchung & Kündigung
❖ Bezahlung erfolgt zu 100% im Voraus. Zahlung nur in CHF. Twint: Astrid Hübner, +41 79 845 62 31 IBAN: Astrid Hübner 4057 Basel, CH77 0900 0000 4507 1624 4 ❖ Stornierung Einzel-Sessions: Keine Rückerstattung bei Absage innerhalb von 24h vor Termin Kurzfristige Stornierung im Krankheitsfall = 25 % Keine Rückerstattung bei Abo's
Breisacherstrasse 60, 4057 Basel, Schweiz